Happy 4th Birthday, Baby Nutter!

Happy 4th Birthday, Baby Nutter! August 20th is a very special date here in the Nutter house. Our sweet little baby was supposed to be born on August 20th. Every year we do something special to celebrate and remember the short little time that God had allowed us to have with this little one. This year Baby Nutter would have been 4 years old! Grab a cup of coffee and join me on a walk down memory lane! Happy 4th Birthday, Sweet Baby! Each year we make the time to stop and remember our little one. Why? Because our baby was a little miracle and something that only God could create! We longed and prayed for this little baby! Our hearts and lives were filled with so much joy, hope, and even anxiousness for this little one. I remember how much excitement had consumed my heart when I saw those two blue lines. I also remember hearing those very hard words, "I'm sorry, your baby has no heartbeat." Every life is ...