One day, while working at camp, I went wal king and I found this laying on the ground. I came across it again today and it was encouraging. It is a page out of the daily bread that someone cut out and pasted on a notecard that I had the privelage of finding. I am so thankful that I have the LORD!! HE IS ENOUGH FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!! "Nothing Left But God" "A wise Bible teacher once said, 'Sooner or later God will bring self-sufficient people to the place where they have no resource but Him: no strength, no answers, nothing but Him. Without God's help they are sunk.' He then told of a desparing man who confessed to his pastor, 'My life is really in bad shape, ' 'How bad?' the pastor inquired. Burying his head in to hands, he moaned, 'I'll tell you how bad-all I've got left is God.' The Pastor's face lit up. 'I'm happy to assure you that a person with nothing left but God has more than enough for great victory!...
Showing posts from April, 2015
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I found this sermon from Sunday to be a blessing to me. Here are some notes that I took, I pray that it is a blessing to you. God wants you to give Him y our heart. Once God has control of your heart than He has control of your life. THINGS WE NEED TO PUT OUR WHOLE HEART INTO: 1. Loving the Lord with my whole heart. A. Start by reciprocating His love for others B. When was the last time you were alone with God? C. It is not about how big of a job you can do for God but by how much you love Him. D. If we put our whole heart into loving God everything else will fall into place. E. 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 2. Put your whole heart into observing the words of the Bible. A. Love is based on the faith of God`s Word not feelings. B. Pslam 119:34 3. Put your whole heart into praising the Lord. A. Psalm 9:1, 111:1 4. Put your whole heart into praying to God. A. Our prayers are supposed to b...
Moving to the Lone Star State
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Michigan is known for many things. One of them being a harsh winter. If you grew up in Michigan like I did, you know winter can come as early as October and stay as long as May. You may also view Michigan`s weather with the same perspective as my husband- long and cold and lasts for nine months! None the less, it is still just as beautiful. Take a look: Before Scott and I were married he asked me if I would move to Texas with him. My response was "No, it is way too hot!" Throughout our marriage he continued to ask and my response was always the same. After a while, I realized that I hadn't even prayed about this decision. I had just said no because I didn`t want to move there. So, I decided to start praying about moving to Texas. After a harsh winter, S cott had arrived at work late a few times because of the snow. One day, w...