Moving to the Lone Star State

                 Michigan is known for many things. One of them being a harsh winter. If you grew up in Michigan like I did, you know winter can come as early as October and stay as long as May. You may also view Michigan`s weather with the same perspective as my husband- long and cold and lasts for nine months! None the less, it is still just as beautiful. Take a look:

          Before Scott and I were married he asked me if I would move to Texas with him. My response was "No, it is way too hot!" Throughout our marriage he continued to ask and my response was always the same. After a while, I realized that I hadn't even prayed about this decision. I had just said no because I didn`t want to move there. So, I decided to start praying about moving to Texas. 
         After a harsh winter, Scott had arrived at work late a few times because of the snow. One day, we had received a lot of snow on top of mud and such and Scott couldn't make it to work in our truck. The truck did not have four wheel drive which made driving in the snow difficult. So, after Scott was let go I asked him if he still wanted to move to Texas. I told him how I had been praying about it and how God had been changing my mind about moving there. 
         After much prayer and counsel from our Pastor, we both felt that God was leading us to Texas. After a few months we packed up our stuff and headed to Texas on faith on June 3rd. We didn`t know where we were going to live, what church we would attend or where we would work. God is good and He provided all of those things. Here are a few pictures from our journey. 

      We know for sure that this is where God has led us. God showed us many things as we first arrived. I will never forget this journey of faith I took with my best friend. I could go on and on about how God continued to provide every step of the way for us. It was and is amazing! God promises to provide all of our needs, not our wants, but our needs. I got to watch God work as He provided our rent and other various things. Scott and I were praying for an exact amount and God provided that! It was amazing! What a mighty God we serve! :-) Here are some memories being made as we serve our Lord in the Lone Star state! 


  1. Thanks for sharing your story! Looking forward to hearing more about your new 'southern' life! :)

  2. I loved reading your story of the past year or more! Texas is a great place to live- I only lived there a year of my life, but still have great memories! :) Love you!


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