Day 16 of Thankfulness

Day 16 of Thankfulness 

November 16, 2018

Day 16: I'm thankful for:

~Palemetto State Park 

~I'm thankful for Poems! My husband has wrote me many poems over the years. One day I hope to get them all printed and made into a book. He wrote this one for me called, "My greatest Accomplishment", it's a very sweet poem. 

"My Greatest Accomplishment"

The greatest accomplishment I'll ever claim
Won't be in riches or timeless fame 

Whatever I've done and whatever I'll do
Won't factor much unless she's tallied too

If ever in bragging I'm justified
It's because when I married, I picked the best bride

She's one in a million, the hardest to find
She's cunning and caring considerate and kind 

There isn't a recipe she couldn't cook
She'll have you believing that she wrote the book

She keeps a clean house like a good spouse will do 
I'm sure you'll agree, she's a dream come true 

She's nifty and thrifty and pretty and wise
If it's hard to believe, well, I tell you no lies 

Ask any acquaintance, they'll all be agreed 
I tied that knot way out of my league 

If one day I'm asked what I did with my life
I'll reply with a smile..."I found a good wife" 

~Palmetto State Park-I'm thankful for this park as many memories have been made here! This is one of our favorite places to camp and walk on the trails. Camping is so peaceful and relaxing! Looking forward to our next camping trip! 


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