Day 18 of Thankfulness

Day 18 of Thankfulness 

November 18, 2018

Day 18: I'm thankful for:


~I'm thankful I have the ability to read. I made a goal for myself in January to read 50 books. So far, I have read 40 of those 50 books. I have some that I am currently reading and a few I want to read. Have you ever heard of Good reads? That's what I use to track the books that I have read, want to read, and are currently reading.  This year I have read books on miscarriage, waiting, being a wife, marriage, intimacy, friendship, anxiety, and personal growth. Have you read any of these? 

I have 45 days left to read 10 books and I'm going to do it!

~Books on being a wife: 

-The Excellent Wife and study guide
-Capture his heart
-What's it Like to be Married to Me?
-10 Things a Husband Needs from His Wife

authors: Martha Peace, Lisa TerKeurst, Linda Dillow, Erin Smalley 

~Books on Miscarriage and waiting: 

-Hannah's Hope
-Wait and See
-Run to You
-Still Waiting 
authors: Jennifer Saake, Wendy Pope, Sarah Siu, Ann Swindell 

~Books on Marriage: 

-Happily Ever After
~The Marriage You've Always Wanted 
~Fierce Marriage 
~Crazy Little Thing called Marriage 

authors: Gary Chapman, Gary Chapman, Ryan Frederick, Erin Smalley 

~Books on Intimacy in Marriage: 

-Intended for pleasure 
-A celebration of Sex
-The Passion Principles 
-Intimate Issues
-The Gift of Sex
- 25 Questions You're Afraid to Ask About Love, Sex, and Intimacy 

authors: Ed Wheat, Douglas E. Rosenau, Shannon Ethridge, Linda Dillon, Clifford L. Penner,  Juli Slattery

~Books on Anxiety:

-Anxious for Nothing 
-Calm my Anxious Heart 

authors: Max Lucado, Lina Dillow

~Personal Growth-

-Women of the Word
-In His Image 
-Never Unfriended 
-None Like Him
-Women Living Well
-Praying the Bible 
-God Speaks Your Love Language 

authors:Jen Wilkin, Jen Wilkin, Lisa-Jo Baker, Jen Wilkin, Sara Hagerty, Courtney Joseph, Donald S. Whitney, Gary Chapman 

~Personal Growth:

-What Happens When Women Walk in Faith
-One Thousand Gifts
-In the middle of the Mess
-No more Faking Fine
-She Believes 
-Simply Tuesday
-To Live is Christ 
-Grace, Not Perfection 
authors: Lysa TerKeurst, Ann Voskamp, Sheila Walsh, Esther Fleece, Debbie Lindell, Emily P Freeman, Beth Moore, Emily Ley

~Personal Growth:

-The Sacrament of Happy
-Glimpses of Grace
-True Feelings 
authors: Lisa-Jo Harper, Gloria Furman, Carolyn Mahaney 

Currently Reading: 

-Praying God's Word
-Lies Women Believe
-It's Not Suppose To Be This Way
-12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You
-10 Commandments of Marriage 

authors: Beth Moore, Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Lysa TerKeurst, Tony Reinke, Ed Young, Bud Calvert, Zig Ziglar 

~Want To Read: 
-Alive in Him
-Practicing Hospitality 
-In Christ Alone 

authors: Gloria Furman, Pat Ennis, Sinclair B. Ferguson 

~Those are all the 50 books I have read, am currently reading, and plan to read before January 1st!


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