Day 8 of Thankfulness

Day 8 of Thankfulness 

November 8, 2018

Day 8: I am thankful for:


~Husband-I'm so thankful for my husband. Thank you, Scott, for being a great husband! I'm so glad that God brought us together (with the "help" of others) and that YOU chose me! I love doing life with you and I can't wait to see what God has for our family next! Thank you for being such a hard worker. That is one of your greatest qualities! Thank you for providing for us! Thank you for your love of knowledge. I enjoy learning from you...even if it takes me multiple times to understand it! Thank you for sharing your dreams and aspirations with me, I know you will be able to make those happen! Thank you for preparing for our future! Thank you for making me laugh! I love you, Scotty! 

Love this man! 

~Home-I'm so thankful to have a place called "home". It was a long process and I'm so thankful for the process, it definitely was a time of learning! 

Going on a date! The Texas sign was a gift from our Realtors!

Our first home together! 

Coffee Themed kitchen

~Hymns-I'm so thankful for Hymns. I love music, it's s huge source of encouragement to me! What is your favorite Hymn? My favorite Hymn is "He Included me."

"Jesus Included me" in the Majesty Hymn Book 

Scott and I have many Hymnals 


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