November 3, 2018
Day 3: I am thankful for:
~Choir Tour
~Christ's Crucifixion
~Couples Retreat
~Coffee-Of course I was going to say that I'm Thankful for coffee! I love coffee a latte! Many conversations have been had with God and friends over a hot yummy cup of coffee! I would love to own a franchise of Tim Hortons here in day!
My Most favorite coffee shop in the whole world!!! |
Sitting on my porch drinking coffee
One of our favorite coffee shops make awesome latte art. |
~Church-I've attended about 7 churches in my life. I'm so thankful for each one. I know that God brought us to each of those churches. Some churches we stayed at longer than others. I learned lessons spiritually, grew in my Christian walk, became involved, and grew to love those people. If it wasn't for my church family, I wouldn't be here today. God used them to help shape and mold me. I'm so thankful they took time to care about this church bus kid. They loved me, helped me, was there when needed, prayed daily for me, and was a huge source of encouragement to me. Always make time for people. Ministry is people and you have time for what you make time for.
~Calvary Bible Church is my home church and I'm so thankful for them! I have many good "growing pains" here! I was "adopted" by many church members and God knew that I needed them! I was convicted of my sin here and asked Jesus to save him in one of the S.S. classrooms right after my teacher talked about Adam and Eves sin problem and how we have one too! I also was baptized at this church. Many people here encouraged me to go to Bible college and one family in particular "pushed" (in a good way) me to go and I'm so glad they did! I knew this was where I wanted to get married as well. Without this church body I cringe to think of where I would be. They hold a special place in my heart!
Calvary Bible Church -wedding rehearsal |
~F.F.B.C. is where God brought me to teach Kindergarten and the Jr. High Girls devotions class for 3 years and to meet Scott! Who knew?? God did! My first year there I had no idea that I would be meeting Scott later in the year. I also grew a lot at this church. I transitioned from being a single to a married lady here. I'm thankful for all the encouragement, counsel, and help that was given. This church as well as the kids have a special place in my heart! I was so happy I was able to see them this summer!
Freedom Farm Bible Church-photo credit- Sam |
I.B.C. was the first church that I attended after college. I was interning at Camp CoBeAc when I was asked to come and teach at their Christian school. This was my first place I ever taught at and I learned a lot! I didn't just teach one grade, I taught some combined grade classes. It was a time of growth too! I had some of the best fellow workers out there! It was a good 3 years! God then lead me to Freedom Farm Bible church. (The one above)
During our first year of marriage Scott and I made it to a friend day at Immanuel Baptist Church. |
~We moved from Michigan to the great state of Texas! We found B.B.B.C. and eventually joined. We made some new friends until Scott's job moved us away. We were here just a little over a year and I was able to teach 2nd grade at Y.C.A. a local Christian school. Before leaving, this pastor recommended our next church to us!
The day we joined |
~C.B.C. was the church recommended to us by our pastor. We attended here for about a year and a half. We enjoyed being here and everyone was very friendly. However, the drive was very hard for Scott with his work schedule. We would get home late and knew we needed to do something. After much prayer and meeting with the pastor we let me him know we would be leaving-(not because something was wrong) it was just very hard with our schedule. So, we were on the "hunt"for a church closer to us. God did lead us to another church!
The day we joined and the only Sunday Scott ever had off.
~T.A.G.B.C. is our current church! We are so glad God brought us here! We prayed about this church and felt God leading us here. We started about March and we both had peace about joining the church. Scott took Mother's Day off to be with me and we also joined the church that day. For the first time since moving to Texas, Scott and I are able to get involved and serve in our church. Scott leads the singing and we teach the Wednesday night kids group-Grace Kids. We have really enjoyed teaching again together! When we didn't think it could get any better than teaching together God had a huge blessing for us! Scott worked every Sunday since moving (except the few times he took off) here and his boss called and told him he now has Sundays off! We are still praising the Lord for this as it was a continual prayer request. We have made some friends and can't wait to see what God has for us next!
Mothers Day and the day we became members |
~Camping is one of our most favorite things to do! It is so peaceful and relaxing.
We camped on the beach in Corpus Christi
~College-I'm so thankful I had the opportunity to go to a few colleges. The one I'm most thankful for is Bible College. It was the one of the best decisions I could make! I loved every part of it and am so thankful I can keep in touch with these ladies! I made some amazing friends!
My senior year of college-just the girls. |
It was so great to see you this year, friend! |
A chapel photo
Senior Banquet
My Senior class |
Senior picture-thanks friend for taking them!
~Choir tour- I'm so thankful for the opportunity I had to go on choir tour each year. It was a great experience! Talk about being shy- We all had to go and greet people and talk to people we didn't know every night. When you are riding in a van for 3 weeks you really get to know people! I'm so thankful for these people and are time together! Scott always says, "I married a choir tour babe!" What a funny guy, I love him!
Singing at a church on choir tour |
Getting ready to leave on choir tour-yes, I was being totally smashed! lol |
Some of our many adventures!
~Couples retreat- Scott and I have had the opportunity to go to a few couples retreats. If you are married and have never gone, I highly recommend it! Scott and I have never regretted going to one! They have sessions together with your spouse, separately, special events, fun activities, and time with one another. We are looking forward to going to one next year!
This was our very first couples retreat at Camp CoBeAc! It was amazing! |
We were able to meet Dr. Gary Chapman! This was a marriage conference right here in Texas! |
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