Blogmas Post #7

Blogmas Post #7

There are only 18 days left until Christmas! 

My question for you today is:

Do you send out Christmas Cards or Christmas Pictures?

I have a funny confession to make! I LOVE making Christmas cards but I'm terrible about sending them! I don't know what it is or why, but they never get sent. So, a few years ago we switched over from Christmas Cards to Christmas Pictures. I'm not sure why they are easier than a card, but it works for us! Our Christmas Pictures are coming in the mail today and I can't wait to see them! 

Making cards is my hobby and thanks to my friends, I was able to sell some last year! 

Some of the Christmas Cards I have made and sold. 

Want to know what our Christmas Picture looks like? You will have to wait until it comes in the mail, it's our favorite one so far! 


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