Blogmas Post #1

Blogmas Post #1

Happy December 1st y'all! Christmas is 24 days away! I thought I would try to do something fun for the month of December, up until Christmas. The first question I have for you is this:

Are you a real or fake tree person? 

If you know me, you should already know my answer! REAL all the way!!! My husband and I have a tradition of getting our REAL Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving or very close to that date. I have enjoyed 6 wonderful Christmas years with Scott! I'm looking forward to our 7th one this year! Each year we have had a real tree! When we were traveling all over the USA and came back to celebrate Christmas with a friend so she wouldn't be alone...she had a little real Christmas tree she brought to the hotel with us! Lots of good memories over the years! We just got our tree on Monday and I had fun decorating it on Tuesday. I thought it would be fun to put up a picture of the tree each year...I couldn't find the 1st and 5th year tree, but you can still enjoy them! 

Our 1st Christmas together

Our 2nd Christmas together. Real tree behind us. 

Our 3rd Christmas together. I changed my theme from red and green to blue and silver. 

Our 4th Christmas together. Isn't the little tree cute?
Our 5th Christmas together. This tree was at our church. 

Our 6th Christmas together.

Our 7th Christmas together-this year! 


  1. We’ve had a fake one for years due to allergies...☹️. I recognize that 5th Christmas tree and picture! ❤️

    1. Aww, I’m sorry, that’s sad! Yes, I thought you might, we had a pretty sweet photographer! 😉


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